Let's start with the giveaway!
Leave a comment on this blog post, or on the latest FB fan page status, and you will be participating in a draw for this lovely little ring. I will collect all the names and draw one from a hat (the old-fashion way) on 1 January 2010, and then announce the winner both here and on the FB Fan Page! The deadline is 31December 2009, at midnight!

That ring is beautiful, wow.
Oh boy! Please enter me!!
Thank you, granolagurl and Doreen! You are both entered in the draw, ladies! :-)
Baba Mrazice, ja sam bila najbolja od sve dece u 2009.godini! :)
Vedrana, to sam ja ALeksandra, kad je lepo vreme :)
AKo napisem tri poruke, jel to znaci da su moje shanse tri puta vece? :)
:)) vedrana znala sam da si ti cim sam videla prvi komentar! upisana si za izvlacenje, a to sto si alava ti ne ide u prilog teze dobrog deteta :))
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